Say hello to the upgraded Startin.LV Startup Database — your primary destination for Latvian startup overview.We have made a holistic upgrade by adding over 150 manually picked and verified startups and implementing new data fields. We’ve also uplifted the database with new features and a more user-friendly look so you can conveniently search through the data.  Scroll through our blog to see what some of the biggest updates are!

+150 startups added 🚀

Over the past months, Startin.LV team have examined dozens of public sources and community-owned lists, discovering and carefully verifying missing startups aiming to grow the database with qualitative data.

Our crew have manually reviewed each company to guarantee reliable and up-to-date information about Latvian startups. So feel free to jump into the database and get acquainted with the newcomers.

That said, not only are new startups being made regularly, there are also those that have not made it onto our radar. Information about how to help us out is at the end of the blog.

New fields: Description, Founders, Product, Payments to State Budget

One of the most exciting additions — is the NEW fields containing supplementary information for a more detailed overview of a particular company. So what exactly was added:

Description — a brief intro about what exactly a startup company do.

Founders — eager to connect with a startup for cooperation of any other request? Now you can see the founders of specific startups (if the information is publicly available) and reach out to them directly by navigating to their LinkedIn page.

Product — Whether you are a VC fund specializing in software ventures only, or a newsperson preparing an article about the promising hardware startups in the region, this field enables a quick shortlist creation by 3 product types: Software, Hardware or Soft/Hard.

Payments to State Budget — represent the total sum of payments in the General State Budget of Latvia, including personal and corporate income tax; state social mandatory contributions; added value tax; micro-enterprise tax; natural resource tax; excise duty; lottery and gambling tax; electricity tax; business risk state fee; customs duty.

Tiny element for a powerful feature! 💥

To avoid compromises on adding new fields, we implemented a pop-up window with detailed information about each startup. The pop-up window appears automatically on the screen upon clicking the pink “+” icon in the top left corner of each startup row. So be sure to hit the “+” to reveal the whole spectrum of data.

New filtering functionality 🗂

A new filtering feature is introduced, allowing users to filter startups by Sector, Product type or Business Model. Also, remember you can use the search bar to quickly find relevant content by specifying keywords or phrases.

Why do Startin.LV care about Startup Database? Because up-to-date facts and figures are powerful. They enable investors and scouts to identify good investment material. They speak volumes about the value startups add to the Latvian economy. They allow journalists to find new stories and shed light on extraordinary founder journeys.

Ready to become a contributor?

Whether you wish to financially support the Latvian Startup Database project or provide a technical solution for data gathering automation, we will be happy to discuss the partnership opportunities with you!

If you want to see your startup in the database, fill out this form. If you would like to request any changes or find out more information, please reach out to

Originally published at