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What is Startin.LV?
Latvian startup association (NGO) Startin.LV was created in 2016 to unite Latvian startup community around common values and provide joint opinion with the aim to develop a better startup ecosystem in Latvia.
Startin.LV is a platform that enables startups to initiate ideas, be heard, and receive support in fulfilling their needs and solving problems. At the moment we have 89 active members.
Moto: Start in Latvia. Go Global!
Manifesto: We are here to jointly build the economy of tomorrow by using a bottom-up approach and be proactive. Read full Manifesto text here.

EUR 13M+
EUR 240M+

Represent startup interests
We work with startups and startup communities to gather up to date insights and represent their joint interests.
We collaborate with ecosystem representatives, governmental institutions, universities, etc. to create a united force for entrepreneurial growth.
Support our members
We provide information, consultations, and help in finding partners, investors and employees. We support their interest and share up-to-date information about the startup ecosystem.
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