Welcome to Startin.LV Blog!
Here is curated content for startup founders, investors and ecosystem players willing to stay in the loop about recent legislative changes, manually picked events and opportunities for tech companies, inspiring success stories, honest fuck up stories and more.
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The Latest
Latvian Startup Awards 2024: Time to Shine!

Skin scan that helps diagnose melanoma early - Bdetect

Fermented green buckwheat support for the gut microbiome - Fermentful

Sepsis diagnosis with pictures - Sepsiscan

Improving indoor air quality - Algae Tree

Heart valves from spider silk - PrintyMed

Growing organs on chips - Cellbox Labs

Innovating the field of research itself - Longenesis

Latvian Startup Awards Hits the Town

Controlling computers with your thoughts - BirgerMind

Telemedicine innovation in Latvia - Medon

Latvijas jaunuzņēmumu ekosistēma: cīņa par 400 000 EUR (LAT/ENG)

What startups want (Startin.LV members survey results, 2023)

FinTech Trajectory — ECOMMPAY Perspective

Latvian Startup Database Got Upgraded

Sonarworks: Setting the Standard for Sound

Viedoklis par Ekonomikas ministrijas teikto par startup nozari

Startin.LV news: What’s the hidden part of the iceberg?

Whimsical: Returning to Latvia with a Bang!

8 Latvian startup initiatives powered by inspiring women

Skin scan that helps diagnose melanoma early - Bdetect

Fermented green buckwheat support for the gut microbiome - Fermentful

Sepsis diagnosis with pictures - Sepsiscan

Improving indoor air quality - Algae Tree

Heart valves from spider silk - PrintyMed

Growing organs on chips - Cellbox Labs

Innovating the field of research itself - Longenesis

Latvian Startup Awards Hits the Town

Controlling computers with your thoughts - BirgerMind

Telemedicine innovation in Latvia - Medon

Latvijas jaunuzņēmumu ekosistēma: cīņa par 400 000 EUR (LAT/ENG)

What startups want (Startin.LV members survey results, 2023)

FinTech Trajectory — ECOMMPAY Perspective

Latvian Startup Database Got Upgraded

Sonarworks: Setting the Standard for Sound

Viedoklis par Ekonomikas ministrijas teikto par startup nozari

Startin.LV news: What’s the hidden part of the iceberg?

Whimsical: Returning to Latvia with a Bang!